



<p>Dealing with customs clearance procedures in the world is one of the things that need a lot of time and effort, this drain of time and effort is a problem that all people and countries around the world suffer from, and in search of a solution to this problem, many countries have sought to find a way to facilitate customs clearance operations and make them faster and easier.</p><br></br><p>Therefore, the so-called commodity coding appeared, which became one of the most important mechanisms that facilitated customs operations, whether for the importer or exporter, and this term began to be developed in 1974 by the World Customs Organization, seeking to use it as a unified international method for describing commodities in international trade so that it is easier to identify Each commodity which helps to control the prohibited commodities with ease.</p><br></br><h1 class=heading-2>Definition of HS CODE:</h1><p>The Customs Coordinator Code is a unified international system worldwide, used to classify products that are traded and shipped globally to all parts of the world. It is a six-digit code, whereby this code classifies each product according to the nature, type and purpose of this product.</p><br></br><p>This coding method was implemented for the first time in 1988 and is maintained by the World Customs Organization at the present time, and this coding is used by more than 200 countries around the world as it helps in determining the customs tariff of goods, and some reports indicate that more than 98% of the products that are exported And their imports are classified according to the HS CODE coding system, and this coding system is updated every five years through the World Customs Organization.</p><br></br><h1 class=heading-2>The global form of the customs code:</h1><ul>The customs code for any product consists of six numbers, these six numbers are divided into three groups, each of which has two numbers, and each two numbers represent a specific code.<li>The first and second numbers from the left represent the code for the classification to which the product belongs, as there are more than 5300 classifications of products.</li><li> The third and fourth numbers symbolize the group to which the product belongs within the classification.</li><li> The fifth and sixth numbers represent the sub-faculty to which the product belongs.</li><br></br> <b>Example of a code for an item: </b><p>Suppose we have the customs code for green tea, which is:</p><br></br> <p>09.02.10</p><br></br><h1 class=heading-2>We find that this symbol is divided into</h1><ul><li>The two numbers 09 belong to the product classification, which is the group of coffee, tea, and spices</li><li>The two numbers 02 refer to the group to which the product belongs within the classification, which is tea </li><li>The two numbers 10 and these two numbers refer to the faction to which the product belongs within the group, which is green tea</li><br></br><h1 class=heading-2>Uses of the HS Code Merchandise Coding System:</h1><b>The commodity coding system is used for several purposes, which are as follows:</b><br></br><ul><li>Assists customs authorities in identifying the product and assessing its customs duties as well as any other tax charges upon customs clearance of a shipment</li><li>The coding system greatly helps in determining the origin of the goods, which facilitates the identification of commercial laws between the two exporting countries, which is the country of origin and the importer, which is the country to which the goods are imported.</li><li> The coding system helps in identifying the goods that are eligible for commercial transactions from the goods whose import is prohibited.</li><li>The customs coding system has become used by private sector companies as well as international organizations as well. Its use is no longer limited to government agencies, which has a significant impact in facilitating customs procedures and easily identifying taxes and fees imposed on each product.</li></ul><br></br><p>How to get HS code:</p><br></br><p>If you have prepared your parcel of goods and prepared it for shipping and transportation and you do not have its commodity code, all you must do is to go to the customs website of the country in which you are located, and then follow the instructions of the site by providing it with data about your goods that you intend to ship and specify its exact type.</p><br></br><p>Then transfer its code, which appeared in front of you on the site so that you can deal with the customs authorities through this code that determines the type of your goods, which facilitates customs procedures a lot, and it is better to use those who have experience in dealing with these matters, such as Al-Fares Cargo Service and Clearance, which does this work Instead of customers in order to avoid that the customer gets a wrong code that does not correspond to his merchandise.</p><br></br><b>The results of getting the wrong product HS code:</b><br></br><ul><li>Your merchandise will be incorrectly categorized </li><li>Goods will be entered into the importing country under incorrect classification </li><li>The certificate of origin for the exporter will be prepared incorrectly</li><li>Delays may occur in customs clearance of imports which may cost the importer a lot of additional costs </li><li>Your goods may be denied preferential customs treatment, which greatly delays customs procedures</li><li>Penal measures may be taken against the importer.</li></ul>

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Cargo Insurance
Cargo Insurance


<p>When your shipments are in transit, they are exposed to risks that can cause them to be lost or damaged. For example, if the shipment is lost at sea due to the sinking of the container ship, the responsibility of the shipping companies is usually not enough to cover the value of your shipment, for this reason, it is important that you think seriously about insuring your shipments so that you can get the insurance that covers the value of your shipment if it is lost or exposed to any risks, which saves you money and time.</p><br></br><h2 class=heading-2>What is cargo insurance?</h2><p>Insurance on your shipments protects you from financial loss that may result from the loss or damage of the shipment, as the insured amount is paid if anything happens to your shipment. Usually, the events covered by insurance are natural disasters, landfill accidents, shipment abandonment, customs refusal, acts of war, and piracy, and there is a difference between Insurance policies for shipping from one agent to another and from one shipping company to another.</p><br></br><h2 class=heading-2>Types of cargo insurance:</h2><p>Cargo insurance is available for transportation and shipping, whether local or international, and it is difficult to standardize and control insurance coverage, as it may differ from one country to another. The types of cargo insurance include the following types:</p><br></br><h2 class=heading-2>1- Land freight insurance:</h2><p>Land cargo insurance covers both trucks and vehicles travelling by land, and land insurance plans often include protection against damage, accidents, theft, and other risks associated with logistics services. charger needs.</p><br></br><h2 class=heading-2>2- Sea freight insurance:</h2><p>This type of insurance secures both sea and air freight, mainly used for international freight, and covers damages resulting from loading and unloading, weather conditions, piracy, and other damages that may be caused to shipments.</p><br></br><p>For this type of insurance, there are several insurance policies that cover many situations, as follows:</p><br></br><h2 class=heading-2>1- Open coverage:</h2><p>This type of insurance often covers a fixed period, usually one year, and several shipments can be included in one insurance policy, and this type is an effective risk management tool if you ship frequently, and it has two types:</p><ul><li><b>Renewable:</b> The document can be renewed after the shipment has been delivered, making it very convenient for individual trips.</li><li><b>Permanent:</b> The policy can be enforced for a specific period, and unlimited shipments are allowed during this period.</li></ul><h2 class=heading-2>2- One Cover:</h2><p>Also called a defined coverage policy, it basically covers every shipment identified and is ideal for companies that ship their shipments irregularly.</p><br></br><h2 class=heading-2>3- Emergency:</h2><p>There are some cases in which the customer is responsible for insurance instead of the seller, and in order for the seller to avoid any risks that occur to the shipment and therefore the customer does not receive it, he makes an emergency insurance policy without informing the seller to use it if the customer fails to secure the shipment.</p><h2 class=heading-2>4- All risks:</h2><p>This type of insurance covers most of the causes of damaged or lost shipments, provided that the shipment is new and not prone to damage or loss by nature. However, it does not include the following reasons:</p><ul><li>Damage or loss due to natural disasters.</li><li>Loss or damage due to war, strikes, riots, or civil disturbances.</li><li>Neglecting the importer/exporter</li><li>Customs delay and rejection</li></ul><br></br><h2 class=heading-2>Advantages of cargo insurance:</h2><p>The primary benefit of shipment insurance is to reduce financial loss even if the shipment is damaged or lost, as the small insurance premium you pay provides peace of mind that your shipments are insured from any risks, and these advantages include:</p><ul><li>The insurance of shipments ensures maintaining the financial stability of the owners of shipments, as it guarantees financial compensation for its shipment if it is exposed to any kind of risk.</li><li>There are many insurance policies and plans to ensure shipments according to need, shipping methods, and means of transportation</li><li>Cargo insurance covers a wide range of risks</li><li>Cargo insurance covers all modes of transportation.</li></ul><br></br><h2 class=heading-2>Cons of cargo insurance:</h2><p>Although cargo insurance has many advantages, it also has many negative aspects, and these aspects include the following:</p><ul><li>Insurance claims will not be paid on shipments in the event of personal intervention in the steps of their transportation.</li><li>Because of the volume of merchandise involved and the risks involved, cargo insurance can be expensive.</li><li>A rather long time to resolve accidents and insurance problems and recover the amount of insurance.</li><li>It is very necessary to make sure and carefully review the contents of the insurance policy when choosing an insurance company to avoid unexpected surprises.</li><li>The shipping company may not have any choice about obtaining shipment insurance, because most buyers will not accept to deal with a company that operates without shipment insurance.</li></ul>

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Entering the car into Turkey (terms and conditions)
Entering the car into Turkey (terms and conditions)


<p>There are many reasons for which investors or foreigners residing in Turkey seek to bring their own cars into Turkey, whether the entry is temporary or permanent, so we will shed light on an overview of how to enter cars into Turkey and the conditions associated with this matter and methods of entry, all of which you will find in the following lines.</p><br></br><h2 class=heading-2>Types of car entry into Turkey:</h2><b>temporary entry:</b><br></br><p>It is one of the cases that are dealt with by people wishing to benefit from Turkish laws, which allow them to bring their cars into Turkey temporarily.</p><br></br><p>This is because Turkish laws allow the entry of cars temporarily for a period of two years, after which the owner of that car must take his car outside Turkey, as the period of stay is not extended more than two years except in exceptional cases, as happens in periods of crises and total closure, as happened during the Corona period, where an extension is requested for an additional period of six months.</p><br></br><b>permanent entry:</b><br></br><p>Permanent entry is done when the car is imported from abroad and entered Turkish territory, where licenses are obtained for its permanent entry and stay in Turkey and demarcated permanently and systematically.</p> <br></br><h2 class=heading-2>Ways to temporarily enter cars into Turkey:</h2><p>Cars for tourism or residence with the plates of their country of origin are entered into Turkish territory in one of two main ways, whether by land entry or by sea shipping.</p><br></br><b>1- Entering the car to Turkey via sea freight:</b><br></br><p>After preparing all the papers related to the temporary entry of the car by sea, the owner of the car must make a power of attorney for a customs broker accredited by the Turkish customs and document that agency with a notary.</p><br></br><p>The costs of bringing the car across the sea consist of agency costs in addition to the cost of customs clearance of the car plus the floor and other expenses unless the car is delayed inside the port for any reason longer than the usual period.</p><br></br><b>2- Entering the car into Turkey by land:</b><br></br><p>The procedures for entering cars through land crossings are simple, after completing all the required papers, as the car owner can complete the process of entering the car without the help of a customs broker, as is done in sea freight.</p><br></br><p>The costs of entering the vehicle through the land route are much lower than the cost of the maritime entry through the port, and this is due to the absence of additional costs such as those that are paid in such as logistics and flooring costs.</p>

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What is an MSDS Certificate?
What is an MSDS Certificate?


<p>The MSDS certificate is an acronym for the Material safety data sheet, and this bulletin is dedicated to the safety of hazardous chemicals as it contains all the important data related to each substance. There are many names for the MSDS certificate, including Safety Sheet for Chemicals, and another name is, Safety Data Sheet for Chemicals.</p><br></br><h2 class=heading-2>Importance of MSDS Certification</h2> <p>The safety certificate known internationally as the Material safety data sheet, consisting of 16 items, shows its importance in that each of these items specifies how to deal with hazardous materials and chemicals, as well as determines the extent of the danger of those materials, and aims to avoid infection with these risks. <br>In many countries, providing a chemical safety certificate MSDS for each of the products a company sells is a legal requirement or common practice. With chemicals safely, certification usually provides a combination of information on the physical and chemical properties of the substances in question, as well as relevant information on toxicity.</p><br></br><h2 class=heading-2>MSDS Certification Terms</h2><p>Those items consist of 16 items, each item showing different information about the material, and those items are as follows:</p><br></br><h2 class=heading-2>Identification:</h2><p>This item is divided into two parts, the first is a simple definitional section for the chemical, as it includes the name of the substance and the chemical family to which that substance belongs, as well as the chemical formula and its molecular formula.</p><br><p>The second section, defines the manufacturer’s data, including the name, address, and phone number of the company and its distributors, as well as the persons responsible for the company who are contacted in emergency cases.</p><h2 class=heading-2>omposition of ingredients</h2><p>It shows the components of the substance and their common names, their concentration in percentage as well as the registration number of the chemical known as the CAS number.</p><br><h2 class=heading-2>Hazard Identification</h2><p>This item contains the IMDG class, the labels that must be placed on the substance or product, as well as the safety warnings, prevention warnings, and health risks in terms of its effect on the skin, breathing, and swallowing of humans when exposed to a concentration higher than the safe concentration of that substance.</p><br><h2 class=heading-2>First-aid measures</h2><p>This item contains first aid in case that this dangerous substance encounters the eyes or skin, or if it is swallowed or inhaled. It also contains some medical information for doctors.</p>

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Benefits of using our air freight service
Benefits of using our air freight service


Benefits of using our air freight service Airfreight is among the freight services provided by Al Fares Cargo Services with high efficiency and quality, as the air freight service is the key to supporting the global trade system. Every year, goods worth trillions of dollars are transported and ship

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Know the Incoterms before shipping!
Know the Incoterms before shipping!


Know the Incoterms before shipping! Import and export laws may be similar in general in each country, but there are many differences between merchants, whether sellers or buyers, regarding international shipping. The parties to any commercial contract, whether seller or buyer, as well as specifying

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Six important tips for shipping from China at the cheapest costs
Six important tips for shipping from China at the cheapest costs


Six important tips for shipping from China at the cheapest costs So that you can ship your goods from China to the destination you want at the lowest cost, you must consider six important tips that will help you a lot in reducing shipping costs, and in this article, we will explain to you those six

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Tips when shipping a full truck load through land shipping companies
Tips when shipping a full truck load through land shipping companies


Tips when shipping a full truck load through land shipping companies We always feel nervous and anxious when we implement something new for the first time, such as the first time we drive a car or the first time we ride a plane and so on. Therefore, we must follow a few tips that help us in t.

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Tips when shipping the car through flatbed truck (recovery) and choosing a car shipping company
Tips when shipping the car through flatbed truck (recovery) and choosing a car shipping company


Tips when shipping the car through flatbed truck (recovery) and choosing a car shipping company Shipping a car via flatbed truck is one of the things that a specific category of customers is looking for, who need to ship their cars to the regions and cities they want, and this is because shipping t...

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